As such there is no value to an additional format-specific rule. Planeswalkers have names and epithets, but they are not creatures and do not function the same way as creatures. The social contract is a commonly-used nickname for a fundamental philosophy of Commander.
The same goes if you use your opponents’ commanders to attack them. The only condition is that the 21 damage is dealt by the same commander. If you fancy stepping away from premade decks, you can build them from scratch too. Getting the balance of your deck right is harder in Commander though, so we’ve put together a guide on how to build a MTG Commander deck for you.
Bloomburrow Tins Arrive This December with Special Promo Cards
This rule essentially consists of incentivizing pre- and post-game talk between players. Commander should be a format that focuses on the player experience above all other things. But it’s also a format with the capability to turn into an incredible display of power with combos and insanely powerful decks. You always have the option to put your Commander back into your command zone instead of the library. It will cost you additional commander tax, but that’s the price of always having it available.
Because of the deck sizes and singleton format, tutors are extremely strong. My more casual decks, if you look at my profile, rarely run more than 1 or 2, which I think is pretty low. Zur runs no creatures while Ruric almost only runs creatures for example. I don’t care for this rule since toxic, infect and poison aren’t really all that good in Commander. You’re the instant archenemy of the table and the first to go if you play anything with infect, so keeping it at 10 counters at least gives you a chance to fight. But make sure to check in with your group before you build that hyper-aggressive infect deck, just to be on the safe side.
5. Tournament Rules and Latest Information Authority
Looking at packages instead of individual cards makes decisions easier when it comes to revising your deck in the future. With a 99-card deck and 23,000 cards to choose from, it can be daunting to build a deck. This is why I suggest we don’t focus on individual cards, rather on individual packages.
Remember, it’s a casual format and a lot of players will be more than willing to help you out. Outside of this, you’re pretty much free to build how you see fit. Whether it’s focusing on the Commander itself, or utilizing your general to fuel the engine you’ve built in your deck. The Commander might not even really factor into your chosen 99 cards, and instead, just give you access to colors you want to play in. This document may be updated as time goes on, without any warning (even though changes might be broadly announced to the community), and will be maintained by the Duel Commander Committee only. And “aggro decks” in edh tend to be more massive amounts of creatures (such as token), or voltron type decks.
This means mtg card that gaining life doesn’t change the damage received from commanders. The card’s color is also black and blue because those are the colors in its casting cost. This is relevant if a player uses any spells or abilities that need to check for specific colors like Display of Dominance.
It’s not just buying the cards that can be tricky, but actually discovering some of the excellent cards you can use can be a trial too. If you want our favourites though, do check-out our list of the best MTG Commanders. Instead of each card working together like an army of ants raising each other up, it’s usually a bit more like throwing giants at the enemy and seeing what sticks. Each card can end a game on its own, and the aim is often to have far more individual threats than anyone can deal with. When each card can win the game, you’re nearly always ahead of the curve. Being a commander is not a characteristic [MTG CR109.3], it is a property of the card and tied directly to the physical card.
Number of Cards
By that I mean mana rocks like Mana Crypt and Mox Diamond, tutors like Demonic Tutor and Enlightened Tutor, interaction such as Force of Will and Deflecting Swat. These are the kind of cards that really elevate a deck into high power. Your strategy is the broad strokes of how do you want to play, and how do you want to win, the game. Commander is open-ended and allows for anything from the standard aggro beat down, mill, aristocrats, and combo plans to bizarre off the wall strategies such as Maze’s End, and life total swapping. If you’re playing a game of Commander with three or more people, you play against each other in a free-for-all multiplayer format. Starting with Las Vegas 2024, the Unknown Event started producing cards based off the Magic players of LoadingReadyRun, which can only be “run” with each other.
Check out all the details and decklists here once they’re previewed. If any card refers to your commander (or commanders in general), it means either one of the two. Commander Nights is a WPN-organized weekly Commander league with rotating rules and achievement-based prizes. These aren’t always the best of the best, as we’ve seen with the recent controversy surrounding Commander Masters’ Sliver Swarm deck. However, they’re a great starting point and can be easily upgraded with missing pieces. Epoch’s Building an edh deck – is a good resource for info also.
These are some of my favorite ways in this style of a deck to get in damage. Kessig Flamebreather and Guttersnipe combine to form a Lightning Bolt worth of damage every spell. Goblin Bombardment lets us turn spirits into direct damage, and Purphoros, God of the Forge is a bigger indestructible Impact Tremors.
Each player’s deck is based and built around their Commander’s colors.[29] If a commander leaves the battlefield, it may return to the Command Zone and can be cast again for a higher mana cost. Because both commanders start the game in the command zone, the remaining library is only 98 cards. Your two commanders are treated individually for all other Commander rules.